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Fielding and Hitting Videos are now ready - Issue #64 December 16, 2009 |
HiMy Fielding and Hitting Videos just arrivedFor those who have been waiting for my fielding and hitting videos I finally received them in my hands. I was hoping to get them a while back which is why you haven't heard from me lately. I didn't have much to tell you that I haven't told you already, 1) review the techniques I've shown you and 2) practice the heck out of them. If you're going to be coaching a youth baseball or youth softball team this year this message is for you. If not, you're welcome to read on, but the rest is directed to them. I'll catch up with you slo-pitch and higher level baseball and fastpitch softball players in the new year. Coaches Check This OutSince this is going out so near Christmas and right in the middle of Hanukkah I just spent last night slapping up 4 pages with brief descriptions of each of the new videos I produced.If you want to see those pages here are the links, but make sure you return to read the rest of the newsletter as I have the best prices I've ever had just for this week and only for you my loyal readers.
Here's the boys baseball hitting practice video page
Something Special For You, my readersOver the past couple of months the newsletters have focused on these very subjects, how to get kids to throw correctly, to field in a error free way and to get more practice swings in at practice.So if you are a coach or know a coach who'd like to take advantage of my 35 years of experience coaching many levels of both baseball and fastpitch softball teams here's what I have for you. You probably saw on the links above that videos run $39.95 each but if you buy through these links you could save as much as $15 each when you get a bundle of my videos. As much as I'd love to sell you all 4 videos as a bundle, I do need to be honest with you that even though I used girls to demonstrate the drills and learning in softball and boys in baseball, for the most part the drills are the same in each, in fact some of the footage of me talking with no one around are exact duplications. So I won't sell you all 4 unless you absolutely have to have them :) If you do coach both a girls and a boys team I would suggest getting the baseball tapes because there's just a little more in there by a couple of minutes (but not anything less in information). If you've never coached girls in the past while you're doing both, then I think I'd get the softball one (especially the fielding one) because there is an activity that I do with the girls that they would like that the boys would never think is cool. So here's what I'm going to do for this week of December 16th through December 22nd (note that the later the order, there might be a chance of missing the Christmas shipping window if this is to be a gift, so if you're going to order, I'd do it now while you're thinking about it). So as a onetime offer only to be found in these newsletters that come out today and this week I will offer you a single video for $29.95 or 2 for $55 or if you've never purchased my first video and want to get "Rotational vs. Linear, which swing helps you hit best" (that one is done with both boys and girls in it) in addition to the fielding and hitting drills videos all for $75. If your e-mail doesn't accept embedded codes to take you to the order screen please just e-mail me as to what you want and I'll send you back an invoice and when it's paid we'll ship it out right away or if you have any questions or would like to talk to someone directly about ordering you can leave your phone number on my answering machine and I'll call you back (that number is 805-642-5827). For those who can view the "Buy Now" buttons and want to take advantage of this one time, for this week only specials, here are the different options: Dynamic Hitting Practice for Youth Baseball DVDIf you coach your child's baseball team, this video will help you run a baseball hitting practice that will give you 5 - 10 times the number of swings as a typical practice and the kids will have fun!Dynamic Hitting Practice for Youth Baseball is designed for youth baseball coaches who want to work on their team’s hitting skills and techniques in the most productive and time-efficient manner possible during practice. The DVD explains how coaches can effectively utilize both no-cost and low-cost methods to enhance the hitting ability of their players. The DVD also features a series of game-tested hitting drills that can be used to develop the key fundamentals involved in sound hitting. Use this button if this is the only video you want. If you're wanting more scroll down for the bundles area.
Fielding and Throwing Skills and Drills for Youth Baseball DVDIf you coach your child's baseball team, this video will help you teach Baseball Fielding and Throwing skills to your youth baseball players.Fielding and Throwing Skills and Drills for Youth Baseball presents an overview of the basic fundamentals and techniques involved in fielding and throwing a baseball. The DVD also features a series of game-tested drills for improving each of these key fundamentals and techniques. Every drill is explained and demonstrated in an easy-to-understand manner. The DVD is designed to be the perfect resource for youth baseball coaches who want to improve the fielding and throwing skills of their players. If you'd like to order this with the hitting, keep scrolling down to the bundles. Or if this is all you want, use this button. Dynamic Hitting Practice for Youth Softball DVDIf you coach your child's softball team, this video covers the same items as the baseball hitting practice but with 7 - 10 year old girls demonstrating the drills.If you want to order the fielding DVD as well, scroll down to the bundles area. Or use this button if this is the only video you want. Fielding and Throwing Skills and Drills for Youth Softball DVDOur girls helped me demonstrate how to teach the fielding and throwing skills along with drills I use in practices to help you learn how to teach your players how to throw correctly and accurately and how to be a good fielder on both grounders and fly balls.There is also an indoor activity shown that will help both skills if you need a rainy day or beginning of the season activity. Here's the button to buy only this video. Bundles for the Hitting and Fielding DVDsTo Order the 2 baseball videos, one on hitting practices and one on fielding and throwing, to save $12.50 on each video, use this button for the $55 price:Or if you'd like to save a whole $15 per DVD and combine the 2 baseball DVDs with my hitting training on the 2 different swings that are being taught, the pros and cons, use this button instead and pay only $75 for all 3 (rather than the normal $120 price). SOFTBALL BUNDLES To Order the 2 softball videos, one on hitting practices and one on fielding and throwing, to save $12.50 on each video, use this button for the $55 price: Or if you'd like these 2 plus my hitting training video on swing types and get all 3 for $75 (normally it would be $120, but not with this week's special) so use this button for this bundle. Thanks for reading this hitting newsletter. Again, if you have any questions or comments you can call me at 805-642-5827 or write
to me via e-mail.
Welcome to you who are new to my hitting e-zine. Thanks for reading and talk to you next time. Coach Andy 6801 Dove St. Ventura, CA 93003 805-642-5827 Coach Andy Collins has been helping players achieve their goals in softball and baseball for over 35 years. He's an advisor to national teams and can help you be a better hitter. He offers free information on his website and through free e-mail hitting lessons and has just introduced 4 new videos on teaching fielding, throwing, and running hitting practices along with another hitting video discussing and demonstrating how to hit great with either the rotational or linear hitting methods. |
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