Hitting Survey


I'm VERY close to finishing my long-awaited hitting training. I have been working on this for more than six years, but I am finally going to wrap it up. I will be releasing it in early March.

This training will be entirely focused on hitting harder and striking out less. It will include a DVD, weekly lessons, and weekly talk to the coach sessions. It is going to be the best training you can get to help you be a better hitter. It will absolutely make you a better hitter guaranteed. 

I am going to cover everything you'll need.

HOWEVER, I need your help. Before I finalize everything and send it off to the publisher, I need to make sure I have covered everything.

That is where you come in. Please take a few minutes to answer this super-short survey -- there is really only one thing I want to ask you ...

What are your two top questions about hitting that I absolutely NEED to answer in the training course.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

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