UCLA Advanced Hitting Video
This UCLA Advanced Hitting Video is Coach Sue Enquist's latest work on teaching what she knows to be true about hitting.
Back in 2001 when Coach Enquist, the coach who's directed UCLA's women's softball program to NCAA titles in 2003 & 2004 and took her team to 2nd in the nation in 2001 & 2005 and a 3rd place finish in 2006, stood on stage and told a room full of college, high school and travel ball coaches
"What I've been teaching about hitting in the past was WRONG"

Hey Coach,
Just wanted to let you know I have finally gotten that tape UCLA Advanced Hitting. She watched it one afternoon before playing that evening and hit her first college HOME RUN, (with two on) to win the game :). She still sometimes goes 0-3 or 2-4 but last night she called and said she went 4-4 so its working.
Lynne Langley
that got all of our attention.
She went on to proceed to tell us that from her working with some of the best hitting minds in the country and working with some really specialized computer software that could break down and analyze video of the swings of the best hitters in the world that she'd concluded that her hitters needed to change to get better.
These last 5 years are testimony that we need to pay attention to what she's saying.
Would you discard something before you heard it, that could help your players hit better and stronger?
or would you at least like to be more informed?
The UCLA Advanced Hitting Video is the perfect way to have Coach Enquist herself teach you what she's found out and introduce you, your players, even your school, organization, or league to a whole new way to think about girls fastpitch softball hitting.
Get it today, start learning, and start having your girls hit the UCLA Advanced Hitting Video way.
The video was published in 2003 and has just recently been ported to DVD. It's 61 minutes in length and here's what the UCLA Advanced Hitting Video says on the back: "Reviews the factors that enable all successful hitters to hit the ball consistently. The video addresses the biomechanics of successful hitting, commonalities of all great hitters, misconceptions concerning the softball swing, what constitutes an efficient swing, and core mechanics of the efficient swing. Also covers the ten key areas of a swing and includes developmental drills."
To order your UCLA Advanced Hitting Video by credit card or electronic check go here now
Only $39.97
(+ $2.90 tax (CA only) + $4 s/h)
To pay by check, send your money to Coach Andy Collins, 6801 Dove St., Ventura, Ca, 93003
Order with confidence. I guarantee you'll like this video or your money back. - Coach Andy, the Internet Hitting Coach
Here's a special deal for you
if you're a real student of hitting
And Save $20 in the process
- Get Sue Enquist's UCLA Advanced Hitting Video
- along with my hitting video where I show many of these same steps but with different cues for this rotational swing, but I also include the highly successful linear swing that has been used in fastpitch softball for years and what was what Sue Enquist used in the past and what many successful college programs still use.
Rotational vs. Linear - Which Swing Will Help You Hit Best
- and for a different style all together, I have recorded Phil Bruder's only recording of any kind (audio or video, but this is an audio CD). He has won 12 ASA national titles, has worked with over 200 full ride softball hitters, including 7 who have made the Olympic teams, so if you want to get all of your options as to how to teach hitting, you need this audio as well.
Crushing the Ball Every Time by Phil Bruder
Get all three for only $80. That's a $20 savings, if you bought each one separately.
This will really step your game up to the next level.
And my guarantee of satisfaction still applies, so order today with confidence.
To order your 3 Pack Hitting Special by credit card or electronic check go here now